Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyer in Utah

Arm Yourself with a Utah Personal Injury Lawyer after a Damaging Accident

Arm Yourself with a Utah Personal Injury Lawyer after a Damaging Accident

By on Feb 20, 2015 in blog |

accident-1When you are injured through no fault of your own in an auto accident, the last thing you want to do is have something else on your plate to take care of. This is the time to hire a Utah personal injury lawyer, one who knows Utah law and can make this time less stressful for you. Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means the lawyer is paid from the amount your case settles for, and no out-of-pocket fees are paid until the case is completed. The lawyer will explain how the issues of increased medical bills and a loss of income can be resolved to your advantage. 

On your first visit to the law office, bring a copy of the police report, medical bills you have incurred due to injuries from the accident and any other pertinent information having to do with the incident. Your lawyer will now become the authority in this case.  He or she has the experience and the knowledge to make your case a success, but only if you do your part and follow through with the advice you are given.

Once you have hired a Utah personal injury lawyer, refer all inquiries to his or her law firm. Direct all phone calls you receive to the office as well.  This is especially important if the insurance company of the person who hit you tries to contact you. Regardless of the tone of their voice or the intentions they claim to have when making a call to you, they are nonetheless working for the opposing party and are trying to thwart the success of your case.  No matter how polite they may be, they have a hidden agenda and you don’t want to fall victim to their tactics. 

The opposing party may try to entice you to settle immediately. They are hoping you will do that because they know that your lawyer may very well be able to get you a much larger settlement than they are offering. Their plan of defense is for you to accept their low offer and be done with it, but it is in your best interest to refer all calls from them to your lawyer, just so you aren’t tempted to deal with them on your own. They can be pretty cagey, so the word to the wise here is to protect yourself. A personal injury lawyer is your best line of defense.