Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyer in Utah

Car Accident in Kearns

By on Aug 12, 2018 in blog, Car Accidents, Personal Injury |

I recently assisted a client who was involved in a car accident in Kearns. My client was hurt when the vehicle he was in was rear-ended by a van at a stop light. The crash caused substantial damage to both vehicle. In fact, looking at the pictures of the vehicles, you would automatically assume that those involved had been injured seriously. The front of the van was smashed in all the way to the driver’s compartment. Also, the back of his vehicle was smashed in so it was hardly recognizable. It almost looked like a small bomb went off, rather than a violent crash on the road in Kearns.

My client suffered significant injuries and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. At the hospital, he was diagnosed with a broken bone. Unsure what to do, the client contact me.

As my client was a passenger in the vehicle, he did not have fault for the crash in Kearns. While it is possible that a passenger could cause an accident, the circumstances would be very rare, and typically passengers are not responsible for crashes. A review of the police report confirmed that the driver of the van was at-fault for the crash or caused the crash. I contacted the insurance company of the van driver. They soon agreed that they had in fact caused the crash.

As my client continued to receive treatment, it became apparent there would be several issues in the case. One of the issues was that the driver of the van did not have sufficient insurance as my client had serious injuries. We worked through this issue by getting involved with secondary insurance, which is often necessary in these type of car crashes. A second issue was getting my client the treatment that he needed. We helped him through this and made sure that he was taken care of by medical professionals.

In the end, we were able to satisfactorily resolve my clients case. We try to take of all of our clients to their satisfaction. If you were in an accident in Kearns, West Valley City, West Jordan, Salt Lake City, Sugarhouse, or any where in the Salt Lake valley, contact us for assistance. We would be happy to meet with you and we even do meetings at your house or work! Call today- 801-738-9999!