What Are Important Car Accidents Statistics in Utah?
Fatal and non-fatal car accidents
Fatal and non-fatal car accidents take large negative tolls on our present and future lives. Car accident injuries are the leading cause of injury related deaths in Utah. To better understand the importance of safe driving, here are some important statistics regarding car accidents in Utah.
Over the past several years, there has been a growth in fatal and non-fatal car accidents across Utah. According to theUtah Department of Health :
- Every 8 minutes a car accident occurs in Utah.
- Every 20 minutes a person suffers a medical injury from a car accident.
- Every 33 hours a person dies from a car accident injury in Utah.
What are the most common types of car accident fatalities?
In recent years, passenger vehicles and pedestrian car accidents are the most common causes of fatal accidents.
What is the most common gender of deadly car accidents?
Males make up 2/3rd of fatal car accident cases, while females encompass the rest.
Who is the most common age group involved in car accidents in Utah?
Regarding fatal and non-fatal car accidents, teenagers tend to be the most common individuals involved in a crash. Furthermore, teenagers driving over 50mph are over 5 times more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident.
Why are our teenagers involved in these car accidents?
Although being distracted is a very common cause of teenagers causing car accidents, there is another factor that is even more prevalent.
Speeding. Speeding is the most common cause of not only teenage related car accidents but adults and elderly as well.
Speed limits are created for a reason. At slower speeds, we all have more time to react and allows the driver more distance needed to stop your vehicle. At faster speeds, our reaction time decreases ten fold, our ability to steer safely decreases, our errors are magnified, and the number of car accidents consequently increases.
Always remember that it is always better to be late to your destination, than to never reach it.
At what time during the day are car accidents more common?
Most people believe that the majority of fatal crashes occur at night, however, the reality is most fatal car crashes occured between 9-10am during weekdays. In the evening between 12-1am is the second most common time span for fatal car accidents, followed by 2-3am.
Our Purpose at Symkoviak Law Firm
This data gives all of us a better understanding of the causes and factors that influence car accidents in our metroplex. It is important to stay educated, to educate your teenagers and elderly family members, in order to increase the safety of our roads and highways.
We understand how devastating being involved in a non-fatal or fatal accident can be, and that is why we are here to help every step of the way. If you have been involved in a car accident that caused you or someone you know a medical injury, call us today for a free consultation. We will do our best to answer any of your questions and guide you through our process on how we can help you get the treatment and monetary compensation you deserve. Symco Injury Law 801-738-9999.