Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawyer in Utah

When to Call a Car Accident Lawyer

When to Call a Car Accident Lawyer

By on Aug 3, 2015 in blog |

car accident lawyersThe first thing you need to do right away after being involved in an auto accident is to call 911. After making sure all parties involved are safe and medical help has been requested, write down as much information as is possible. Get the names and contact information from everyone involved including the license numbers of any vehicles.

If you are able to ascertain whether or not drivers were under the influence or distracted that could have been a result of the accident- write down everything you have observed. If car accident lawyers are going to be involved they will need as much information about the incident as possible to help with your case. Gathering the information right away will enable your attorney to complete their investigation more thoroughly.

Why Hire a Lawyer?

Car accident lawyers know your rights and are there to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. If you or your loved one has received injuries due to an accident it is in your best interest to speak to an attorney to know if legal representation will be required.

An attorney who works with personal injury will be able to give you advice on what steps are necessary for you to file a personal injury claim. It is extremely urgent for you to contact an attorney right away if:

* Hospitalization has been required to repair broken bones or other serious medical issues

* Other vehicles or pedestrians were involved in the accident

* The accident resulted in a fatality

* You do not have insurance

* Your insurance company starts delaying their process

* The police do not correctly describe the accident

* The accident happened inside of a construction area

It is not as urgent, but still highly recommended you contact car accident lawyers if:

* There is confusion on the terms of your insurance policy

* You are overwhelmed or confused on how to handle the paperwork

* You are unsure whether or not your insurer is providing you with the best outcome

* You are unsure whether or not the settlement offered to you is valid